Friday, December 01, 2006


I’m about to celebrate 3 years of not smoking come January.

At $3.50 a pack, that means I have saved roughly $3832.

I don’t have a penny to show for it. I still crave the damn things and I’ve gained and lost the same 20 lbs over and over again.

So is self improvement worth it?

Probably not.

I think we are always in conflict with our true nature.

Otherwise getting up every morning would be a joyous celebration of life. In stead we nuke our turkey bacon, drink our coffee, catch a few minutes of Headline News and then force ourselves to get up and begin the day.

Some of us shovel our way to our car, some of us break out in a humidity induced sweat walking to the bus stop and a few of us catch the subway. Truth be told though, how many people genuinely enjoy the way they spend 8 hours every day?

Even the so called admirable fields inspire burn out. That 23 year old inspired teacher will one day be counting down the minutes to her retirement. Even the fresh faced intern will one day grow tired of prescribing the same 3 antibiotics over and over again to people who would probably get better if they just drank some orange juice and waited a week.

Maybe a mass exodus is in order. Nothing will change until we do. Are we truly a slave to MasterCard? The position of authority is in the name itself. So what if your car gets reposed? Without a job, you will not need it anyway.

I guess we can’t all sell oranges by the off ramp. I just hope I see Paris before I die.


Blogger LC said...

I hadn't ever seen the video for that song before.... enlightening. tx!

5:06 PM  

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