Thursday, November 30, 2006

I get the news I need from the weather report.

Today is partly cloudy and humid.

I think my laser like focus on what I should be when I grow up is starting to come to fruition. What came up made sense. I have an undergrad in English and a master’s in technology. Why I never really gave Library Science an honest look is anyone’s guess. I love writing and research and I’m always down at the library putting crazy obscure things on reserve. So maybe it is time we make this relationship legal.

I guess like a lot of people my image of a librarian is a mousy woman with glasses and zero social skills. The truth is being able to work with people and utilize many different technologies is essentially these days for librarians.

So going forward, as per usual I will analyze he field to death before I commit, but of all the great ideas I have had in life, this one looks very “doable” for me right now.


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