Saturday, February 11, 2006

Tomorrow is my move to the big city. I’m a nervous wreck. I tend to worry about stupid stuff 24/7, so anything as big as a move to a different city is enough to really get me worked up. Tomorrow also marks a weird milestone. The first of my closest friends turns the big 3-0. In less than a month, I’ll be right there with him.

As far as dates go, why is any one particular birthday scarier than others? Is it fear of the unknown? We all know we felt exactly the same the day we woke up on our 13th birthday and found ourselves teenagers. Same goes for 16 years old and getting your license and turning 21 and buying your first legal drink. As individuals, these milestones change us very little. Age is, in fact, just a number.

On the other hand, there does seem to be something very adult about 30. If you described someone who lives in their parents basement, works at Taco Bell and gets high every night, I would think a lot less of them if they were 30 then I would if they were 29. The 20s just seem to be a time to waste time, find yourself, job hop and get the last of the partying out of your system.

I’ve long felt ahead of my time. Ask anyone who knew me when everyone else was doing keg stands and waking up in their own vomit. I was never part of that. I was around it, I was sometimes even cheering people on, but as far as reckless, crazy youthful indiscretion goes, it was never my thing. So now, I’ll soon have the age to match the attitude.

Sorry if this seems glum. I guess I’m getting sympathy pains for my buddy getting older. It was bound to happen. So take my advice little kiddies, 30 will be here before you know it. Of course, it really isn’t a big deal. Hell, 30 is the new 20. So live it up. Just make sure you can still get up for work the next day.


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