Thursday, February 09, 2006

“July, July!” by the Decemberists is my song for today.

Maybe I’m just dreaming of summer, but it is stuck in my head.

I think today I figured out my calling. So if you are independently wealthy, please offer to bankroll this. I want a nice little coffee shop. Yes, I use to lust for a record store, but the days of the record store are numbered. So until they come up with a cheap and legal form of cocaine, coffee is here to stay.

So in my coffee shop, it will be the anti-Starbucks. First and foremost, no tip jar. Aside from planning to represent most of the “staff” by manning the joint myself, should I have employees, I will pay them well. I always feel so awkward about the tip jar. You’re already paying $6 for a coffee (I don’t but some do) why then couldn’t the coffee shop pay their employees? I usually get the cheapest thing most places have. Then when they hand me my 20 cents change, I’m lost on what to do. Should I dig out a dollar to tip? Should I give them the 20 cents and risk offending them? At my coffee house, that’s not how we roll.

I think the most appealing part to the coffee shop idea is I want to create I place I would want to hang out myself. I’m not a big drinker, but I like being social. At my place, we’ll have open mic nights and local bands. Yet on those nights when there are no live acts, everyone will be captive to my musical tastes and they are eclectic to say the least. You’ll be just as likely to hear some sad bastard indie band from Scotland as you are to hear Ludacris.

I’ll consult my environmental advisors (you know who you are) about which coffees are fair trade and which products do the least harm to the planet, their employees and people’s health. I picture many organic vegan foods in this place. Of course, I’d also offer other things, but I would truly want anyone to be able to come in and enjoy the environment and what I’m selling. It would be an environment where hippies, yuppies, Goths and anyone else can come in and find they’re welcomed.

So maybe this dream is far fetched. I like to dream. It is the “doing” that would be critical. This same dream is peppered with visions of selling my car and biking to my coffee shop. As well, it involves me writing the great American novel by day. Unfortunately I’m far too practical and grounded in the real world to get this off the ground.


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