Wednesday, February 08, 2006

People are weird sometimes. I went into the Hess station to get my usually Diet Code Red Mountain Dew (hey, two free plugs). Anyway, the drink came to $1.04. I handed the cashier a $5 and waited for him to make the change. He stared at me and I told him “Sorry, I don’t have 4 cents.”

So he makes a big production of digging the 4 pennies out of his pocket. I politely thank him, but honestly he could have just made change for all I care. His response was “pay it forward.” Ok dude, paying it forward applies to real gestures. Giving someone your kidney and then they turn around and donate platelets that is paying it forward. Giving someone 4 cents because you didn’t feel like making change hardly qualifies as the stuff screenplays are made of.


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