Wednesday, February 01, 2006

I skipped the speech last night. It is always so poorly delivered and smells so much like the bull$h1t it is that I can not stand to see commander and thief talk. By all accounts, it sounds like the preamble to war has begun with Iran. Sure, they cut the UN seals on their nuclear toys. So maybe they’re on their way to constructing WMDs. What about North Korea? They have weapons of mass destruction. They’re ready to go. They could launch any time. How do we know this? Because they told us so.

Unfortunately they don’t have anything we want in regards to resources and they probably can only get their missiles as far as California. Aside from the Governator, it is a state full of liberal Hollywood types and gays, so who cares? Not Bushy. So we march to war back in the Middle East. Will the ultimate settlement there have a name paying tribute to those who fought bravely for it? I suggest Halliburtonia. Anyway, when is the gas getting cheaper?


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