Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I finally saw “Brokeback Mountain” yesterday. It truly was a beautiful testament to love. I was thankful that I don’t have to fight society’s idea of “normal” to be with the one I love. I will not ruin the film for you, but honestly everyone should see it. I had some old man confront me in the hallway afterwards asking me if I saw “that” movie. I expected an argument from him here in the neo-con southland. Instead, he just wanted to talk about how great it was. I guess there is hope, but I felt that way when I went to a packed premiere of “Fahrenheit 911” here. I thought for sure Bush would be out in 2004.

I’m still working on the life path. It is easy to sit back and be the uncarved block, but I need to have a plan soon because I’m going to be ready for a family and things like extra school and soul searching don’t mesh well with child rearing.

Today I learn a sad fact. A member of my family was being abused physically. It is heart breaking to me and it is taking extra restraint for me to not track down the abuser. The abuser in this case is a woman in her 70s. Of course, I would never hit a woman, but the fact that she has attacked someone older and weaker than her makes me want to take my 40 year age advantage and show her what is up. She’ll get hers though. Hopefully when she is alone in a nursing home rotting away, she’ll get a taste of how it feels.


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