Saturday, January 14, 2006

Operation what to do with my life has been an ongoing process. I’ve determined this much. I like helping people and I like kids. I am not, however, a good teacher. I have many fine qualities, but task master is not in my character. So teaching is out. I’ve been kicking around the other areas I could work in like School Psychologist, Speech language Pathologist, Guidance Counselor.

Honestly, I would probably be good at any of those, because they would let me work one on one with kids. Helping 1 kid is more my cup of tea than trying to keep 45 of them on task all day. So there is the short list. I’m getting closer to finding my niche. As for the school guidance, I really think I would be good at that. It requires I get another masters of course. Really the one thing stopping me there is the abuse issue. I’ll would very likely be put in a situation were I have an abused child on my hands. Honestly, if I came face to face with someone who was abusing a kid, I would hurt them.

So then there is school psychology. It is a deceptive title because your actually do very little counseling. You’re really testing kids and then assigning them to various program based on the results. It almost seems like you’re playing God. That would bother me. I would lie awake at night wondering if the kid who’s test results were borderline is now doomed to a life of balancing tires because of my decisions.

So that leaves Speech Language Pathology. When I started school, I went into Biology. I’ve always been fascinated with the sciences and all things medical. So in essence this is the most practical “medical” field I could enter without doing another bachelors. Of course I would be taking plenty of prerequisites. All things in, every one of these would require 3-4 years more of school. I just don’t see the masters I have becoming a job I love and I definitely do not want to inch up the ranks in my current field. Maybe I’m just having an early mid-life crisis.


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