Tuesday, January 03, 2006

So this is the New Year.
And I don't feel any different.
The clanking of crystal
Explosions off in the distance.
So this is the new year
And I have no resolutions
For self assigned penance
For problems with easy solutions

So everybody put your best suit or dress on
Let's make believe that we are wealthy for just this once
Lighting firecrackers off on the front lawn
As thirty dialogues bleed into one

I wish the world was flat like the old days
Then I could travel just by folding a map
No more airplanes, or speed trains, or freeways
There'd be no distance that can hold us back.
~Death Cab for Cutie

So every year I have my reflective ‘here is another year gone faster than expected’ blog.

This could go either way.

Today marked the first day back to work for me following the holidays. I feel hope and relief the expectation of the season has come and gone. Who wouldn’t? Only the most die hard individual would want that level of masochism to last any longer than it has too. We fill our emptiness with binging on bad food and buying crap we can not afford. Then the New Year comes and we vow better things.

I could say I don’t have any resolutions. It has been 3 years since I made one that stuck and still I struggle daily to keep that one together. I was bad this holiday season and got carried away with the celebratory gorging that comes with it. So I walked in the ice and snow to the convenience store around the corner and bought a pack of Newports. I smoked half of one and donated the rest of the pack to my girlfriend’s brother in-law. He is one of those rare creatures that can smoke in moderation. Some how he does one cigarette a day. My theory is if you can get by with only one a day, then why not quit all together? To each their own I guess.

I also checked my blood sugar a couple of times over the break. It was on a whim since I noticed I have been feeling crapy lately and I had access to the equipment. My blood sugar registered high just a couple hours after eating candies and other assorted no nos. Then fasting the next morning, I barely fell into the normal range. It did make me realize I need to monitor what I eat. So I’m working on cutting sugar out as much as I can. I don’t really like it anyway and I’ve noticed as I eat something sugary it makes me just crave more sugar. It feeds itself.

I guess if I had a genuine resolution, it is this. I’m resolving to stop fighting things and live in reality. 2006 marks my 5th anniversary at the same job. It is also the year that will usher in my 30s. I just went online and ordered pants a waist size bigger than the ones I have and a length’s size smaller. I’ve been laboring under the illusion that I’m taller and thinner than I actually am. I guess it will be nice to not have to take a deep breath every morning as I wrestle with getting my work pants on. If 2006 had a motto, it would be acceptance. Good or bad, I have to stop trying to fit square things in circular holes and my burgeoning gut into too small pants. That and I plan to poor a 40 out for Blue.


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