Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Poor hypersensitive fish.

Sometimes I wonder if I’m even designed to have relationships with other people. I’m fortunate to have found a partner who can ride the emotional rollercoaster, but I can not really say the same for the people I didn’t get to choose. In life, you can choose who you date, who you marry and who your friends are, but there is a ready group of people you don’t get to pick and that is your family. There they are complete with their own needs, issues and conflicts.

I’ll readily admit I’m hyper sensitive, but today my brother was a real jerk to me. He basically got on my case for not being here on Christmas. Of course, I would have complete empathy for him (and be flattered he cares) if it was not for the fact that I’m here every Christmas. I'd also like to add he spends every Christmas with his wife’s family. It has probably been the better part of a decade since my family got together for the holidays. I think he just knows which buttons to push since our birthdays are 3 days apart. I wouldn’t think one hypersensitive Pisces would be mean to another one.


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