Friday, December 02, 2005

OK, this scares me a little. I’m flying on Christmas Eve.

I really think slacking the guidelines is going to send the wrong message. The thing terrorists would be looking for is complacency and a return to feeling secure. As much as I hate the security part of going to the airport, I really see it as a necessary evil. I get searched a lot. I don’t know why, but I have been searched a half dozen times. I’ve had my bag emptied and I’ve had my body checked. Maybe they pick me to show how much they are NOT profiling. I mean you don’t get much whiter than me. Anyway, for the millions of little constitutional liberties we’ve had manipulated since the tragedy of 9-11, our right to carry sharp things on a plane is hardly the worst sacrifice. Yes, a terrorist can make anything a weapon, but a pair of scissors or even a screwdriver just seems too obviously dangerous. DUH!


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