Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Shortly after I started dating my girlfriend, two of her friends got married on the beach. They had to plan the wedding quickly, because the groom had cancer and hospitals are not able to communicate much to someone’s girlfriend the way they can someone’s wife. I remember that day vividly and I remember how happy they both were. He was smiling and joking and full of energy. Since that day, he has deteriorated. He went from looking ill, to looking gaunt to having to remain in bed most of the time.

The weekend before last, he had his 25th birthday. I would say over 50 people showed up for the event. I thought it was one of the most beautiful testaments to his young life. Most of us never get to see how many lives we touch. While the party was hard for him and you could tell it took every ounce of will he had to be there, much less to sit up in his wheelchair. He spent the day looking genuinely happy and despite it all smiling like he did on his wedding day.

Today his heartbeat has slowed down and the family is gathering to say goodbye. He’s 25 years old and dying of cancer. I would never share anyone’s name in a public forum, but I did want to share this story. Life is incredibly precious. Never waste the opportunity to tell someone how much you love them and remember when your are having a bad day, there are others who have been handed far worse that face this adversity with smiles and kindness and a positive attitude. I can not even begin to imagine what his parents, siblings and young widow will be up against in the weeks to come. I don’t know that there is anything I can do or say or offer to ease their pain. I can only give my thoughts and prayers.


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