Friday, October 14, 2005

I’m neurotic, but rarely do I succumb to mass paranoia. When SARS was all over the news, I told people to relax, it is under control. This time around, I can not even begin to pretend the bird flu isn’t an epidemic waiting to happen. Yes, we probably could use a little population control. A “survival of the fittest” so that those who make it out the other end will have proven themselves. That’s all well and good, but I’m scared I might not make it. In fact, I was born with several heart defects and if I go to the dentist, I have to get antibiotics. See where I’m going? If it becomes the full blown worse case scenario epidemic some folks are predicting, I’m screwed.

Sure, I’d like to think the governments have it under control (see also WMDs, Katrina and the deficit). Truth be told if this old rock is about to cleanse itself, I’ll be waste deep in packs of Marlboro reds and bottles of whatever hard liquor I can find for myself. Seriously, why worry about anything at this point? It probably will be some plague that wipes us all out. Earth, God or some balancing aspect of nature has decided it’s our turn for retribution. It doesn’t take a genius to look around and see how very poised we are to self destruct.


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