Tuesday, October 11, 2005

I just got one of those dumb alumni update things that tell you more than you want to know about people you have forgotten. What amazes me is the government looses thousands of criminals every year, but my high school manages to find me despite my best efforts to avoid the place. Anyway, the newsletter got me thinking that here in a few days; it will be 11 years since my senior homecoming.

The amazing part is that the night is as vivid as last week. I remember pilling into my friend Jesse’s station wagon; you know the old kind where the last seat faces backwards. I remember waiting to get dinner at an awful German restaurant. Really, who eats German? I remember getting to the dance late and I remember Jesse popping Seal’s “Crazy’ into the tape deck. Presumably as a joke since the song was both already old by then and he received massive verbal abuse regarding the selection.

The whole time flies reflective mode seems to be tackling me a lot lately. Weird thoughts pop into my head, like for instance 11 years ago I was a senior in high school and 11 years from now I’ll be 40. The worst part is there isn’t jack you can do about it. Accept it or deny it, time will pass.

Lately, it seems like I’ve lost touch with a lot of people. It isn’t a conscious effort; I think our lives just drifted apart. It just seems so weird to me how we evolve and change, yet the past never seems all that far off. The days drag and the years go by in a flash. Time is arbitrary, but we will always be its victim. The first part of life, it graces you with new milestones and opportunities. The day isn’t too far off when we’ll all be counting the things we can not do anymore because we reached a milestone. It seems like just yesterday age meant opportunity. I’m not being negative, just reflective.


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