Friday, October 07, 2005

I’ve had “Where Is My Mind” by the Pixies stuck in my head for days. It is funny how a song can be completely suited for you at a particular time in your life and then it gets filed away under “songs that remind me of _____.” This song has been on repeat in my head and it got me thinking about “Fight Club.” When the film came out, I’m pretty sure I wanted nothing to do with it. A movie about fighting did not appeal to me at all and in theory, it doesn’t now. What a great film it was. Maybe Chuck Palahniuk will never do another movie. That one would be hard to top. I’ve read a lot of his work and it is all worthy of a screenplay. Of course these days Hollywood would rather make “What’s Happening” the movie instead of using any original material.

As far as pivotal films go, “Fight Club” is up there. In a year of great movies like “Magnolia” and “American Beauty” it was a final hooray for the consumerism of the 20th century. A final nod to the sins of our past as me moved into an enlightened age. How nice would that have been? Instead things seem to have gotten worse. Our roads are chocked full of SUVs and the vast majority of people are crippled by credit card debt. Something tells me the value system of most Americans is completely out of whack. Am I wrong?

With your feet in the air and your head on the ground
Try this trick and spin it, yeah
Your head will collapse
If there's nothing in it
And you'll ask yourself

Where is my mind


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