Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Cracka lackin up in Duval.

I’m thinking I may move to Jacksonville. Yeah, it isn’t Manhattan, but around here it is where the jobs are. I’ve been driving 40 minutes to work for years and lately, I’ve been driving closer to an hour. I’m tired of commuting. I really am. With the prospect of moving, I’ve even debated selling my car and biking to work. Of course rainy days and late nights would talk me out of that, but the idea has crossed my brain. I will always love St Augustine and call it home, but we’ve both outgrown each other. She has gotten big enough to loose some of her charm and with that has come a huge jump in real estate prices. Renting is a different story since the apartments are either poorly maintained complexes or a garage rented out by some old timer who’ll keep tabs on everything you do. OK, I speak in absolutes, but generally speaking the housing scene has always been week in Auggie unless you have some money. There isn’t much of a young working professional demographic in the city, so of course the real estate options and job market behave accordingly. It is a chicken versus egg situation.

No paperwork has been signed yet, but I’m leaning towards this change. Honestly this isn’t anything drawing me to St. Augustine but nostalgia for better times. My friends are busy leading there lives and when we do get together, it is usually the weekend. My family left long ago and so have all my college buddies. It makes more sense to drive down once a week to hang. Not to mention something as simple as seeing a movie usually requires a half hour drive in St. Augustine, unless you want to see one of the 4 films playing a the mall on a small screen before 9 P.M. Of course leaving puts you in cookie cutter strip mall bland Jacksonville. It has all the charm of a burning turd. I’ll be the first to admit that. So it is a damned if you do and damned if you don’t situation. My heart was in Auggie for so long, but I think our time together has come to an end. Maybe we need a trial separation.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do it! Jax isn't that bad unless you're thinking Southside area...if that's the case, maybe think again. Riverside, Avondale, Downtown...that's where it's at.

11:46 AM  
Blogger Alcuin Bramerton said...

Yet another unavoidable day
Of eye-achy

She is sitting in the office
Looking at her computer screen.
The computer screen is sitting in the office
Looking at its human.

As they look at each other,
They know.

Each knows.

They both know
That this cannot go on.
Neither is committed
To the relationship.

She wants a life,
Not a computer.

She is fed up with word processing,
Spread sheets,
Screen-based presentations,
Multiple emails,
And slow, boring, unremitting,
Undead cyberfatigue.

She wants a life,
Not a computer.

And the computer wants a proper human,
A proper high-octane geek,
Not a froth-head dollybird
Who thinks of nothing but love
And fulfilment
And fresh air
And mountains
And purpose
And horses
And swimming
And surf
And sun
And dolphins
And long nights of passion
In wild country
Under the stars.

The computer wants a proper human.

In the end they agree
To a trial separation.

The trial separation will last
Five and a half million years.

This will be sufficient time
For humans
To become a little more
Metalloid and logical,
And for machines
To become a little more intuitive
And accustomed to pleasure
For its own sake.

Before they separate,
They leave each other
A parting gift.

The computer gives its human
The source codes for the matrix.

The young woman gives her computer
A wholemeal blueberry muffin
Stuffed lovingly into its DVD drive.

12:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go for it! Plus, maybe I'll get to see you more!! Hello?! I haven't seen you in a YEAR!! haha

I love it here! Even the Southside (where I live) rocks.

5:46 PM  

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