Thursday, February 16, 2006

I love “The Daily Show.” I also fully believe I could do a show like that. I’ve never looked at something and so thoroughly knew I could do that and refer to it as a “calling.” I think my fear is I will end up like literally thousands of people who others refer to as “funny.” It is easy to be funny when you don’t have to do it for a living. Ask Dave Chapelle. He was chewed up and spit by the entertainment industry. Of course I sure he made some bank in the process.

So last night, Demitry did his usual Trendspotting segment and it was all about and it was funny. So like all the other people that saw the segment, I diligently added him as a friend. I also sent him the “hey, how do I get on ‘The Daily Show’ email.” Poor guy is going to get sick of those emails from people.

So maybe I should go to New York and really try to get on the show. The thing is, I find being funny to be hard work. Ten years ago, I was Mr. Chuckles. Now I find the whole process draining and let’s face it, we’re all pretty jaded these days. It takes a lot to make people laugh. Truth be told, I was always funniest when I was trying to get a girl’s attention. Now that I have a girl, I don’t feel the need to be funny anymore.

Hence this blog.

You wouldn’t read it and immediately think “this guy is funny” because I honestly make no effort what so ever to be funny. Especially not here. To some extent being funny is like being muscular, or good at sports or brainy. It serves you well when you’re competing for something, but it doesn’t have a whole lot of practical uses in day-to-day living. Of course if I could get a few minutes to try out for “The Daily Show”, rest assured I’d give them a good reason to bring me on board. That or blow Rob Cordry.


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