Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Here is the twist to that story CNN failed to mention and I had not heard. The boys this lady ran over were black. See, I live in a place where race is still a big motivator for a lot of people’s actions. I’m quite sure now that I know this part, that the last thing that lady mumbled was not “f-ing teenagers”, but was more likely “f-ing N-ers”. Sorry for the dashes, but you get the point. I’m not about to use that word because it turns my stomach. Sadly, as digested as I am by the “n word” I have caught myself using it once or twice either referencing a hip hop song or calling friends “my n-ers.’ I think that is a big reason why the hip hop culture has used the name so much and so often. They wanted to take control of the phrase and take away some of the sting. The problem is, here in the South, it still has most of its venom. I can not tell you how many times I’ve been amongst other white people and they have dropped that word into conversation. Immediately I feel sick to my stomach. It makes me not only lose a lot of respect for you (because you sound like white trash) but it also makes me realize that, like it or not, you are a racist. So God, that crazy lady and I are certain that she probably used that word before she chased down and ran over those kids. To do something like that because you're crazy is bad enough, to do it because you are racist is purely evil. To do it because you are both is no excuse.

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Part of functioning in society is being able to respond accordingly and play by the rules. There is never a reason to attack a child. There certainly is no reason to run anyone over because they pissed you off. I hope we finally live in a world were a hate crime gets recognized for what it is, even in the South. Lastly, I hope beyond hope that this woman rots in jail and does not become some hero for the other bigots.


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