Saturday, December 04, 2004

Da da da da da…I’m hurling it!

Thanks to Morgan Spurlock, I have avoided McDonalds like bunny rabbits avoid Glen Close. I start most mornings off with a bagel with vegetarian mock sausage. I’m sure low carb enthusiasts would argue that isn’t healthy. Trust me when I tell you that it is MUCH better than what I use to eat. Today, I got a reminder since I went to McDonalds for the first time in I don’t know how long.

(Warning, this isn’t pretty) I only write this because A) I want to catalogue for myself what the experience was like and B) I want to enlighten folks who eat fast food on a regular basis. For the record, I have avoided fast food all together the last few months.* I have had Subway once or twice, but that is about it. That is a far cry from being a regular fast food patron. At one point, I ate it several times a day.

Getting up at 6, I didn’t feel like cooking (IE toasting and nuking) so I hit the Golden Arches. I noticed as I got close to the drive-in window that there is a distinct smell to the place. I think you have to get “clean” to really notice it. I did make sure to get Diet Coke, so I was not totally racked with guilt for eating this crap. Well, from start to finish the meal was gross. It lacked any taste (other than the chemical one they add).Once I was done with the breakfast burrito and hash brown, I felt like I had eaten plastic. I really felt like my body was digesting a foreign substance. Then came the after taste, which I can only compare to how your mouth tastes in the morning following a night of heavy drinking.

Gross, I know. I just speak as a former fast food enthusiast. I want everyone to know that if you get this junk out of your system, you will be surprised by how ready willing and able you are to never want or need to put it in your mouth again. I can not say I’m never going to eat McDonalds again. I do remember one drive through Arizona were a lone McDonalds was the only restaurant I passed in nearly 8 hours of driving. So there may come a situation like that. What I can promise is I will never seek one out.

*Mostly for health reasons, but also because places like Taco Bell need to be boycotted for the way they treat their workers and other unfair practices.


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