Saturday, December 04, 2004

Um, uh huh, um, uh huh…. nights like this.

Nothing like a little Avril stuck in your head. It is actually rather annoying. So it is on Saturday nights like this that I have to stop and evaluate my life. I’m still relatively young and healthy. I like to think I’m not ugly. So why then am I home?

As sad as it is, being home on Saturday and being online drives me nuts. I’m not a homebody by any means and worse yet, I usually unplug after work and avoid the computer after hours. So here I sit thinking about what else I could be doing. It’s actually creeping me out. My life could have skewed in so many directions.

1994- Left a full scholarship in Miami because I hated the city and was home sick.

1995-Began taking English classes, drifting away from the Biology degree I was getting at JU.

1996-Transferred to Flagler and worked on English and Broadcasting. Said goodbye to Biology and spent way too much time with the theatre kids.

1998-Graduated with English/Com. degree. Moved to Atlanta and got a job working with computers because the CNN dream quickly fell through.

1999-Homesick again and hating the big city. Moved home and landed nighttime DJ gig at Planet Radio.Did that from 1 AM to dawn and the day job as long as humanly possible. By day I had a job doing what I did as a work-study in college. Little did I know I would be stuck doing just that until 2001.

2000-Got offered a job in Seattle. Didn’t go because I didn't want to leave my Mom and Grandma.

2001- I was hired to teach high school. Shortly there after I was fired and went back to doing what I did as a work-study in college that under no circumstances did I want to do professionally. That was of course after losing just about every ounce of financial stability I had being unemployed for months. Yes, I know people had it much worse after 9-11, but it was no picnic for me either.

2002-Almost got married twice. To the same girl… don’t worry. By late summer Mom moved to Australia for good. Relationship ended.Almost moved to Seattle again, but I started taking masters classes.

2004- Grandma moved away and then shortly there after passed away from cancer. I was the lone member of my family still living in this town. I'm working on a masters in something I’m sort of kind of sure I might not totally hate doing. Still single.

So I could be a marine biologist in Miami. I could have stuck with the DJ thing by night and eventually broken through. Teaching could have worked out (did I mention I loved it?). I could have moved to Seattle either time and I could be drinking coffee and watching it rain right now. I could also be married and tending to the little ones in suburbia. I could be here, typing this, on Saturday night.

As the Beatles said:“There’s nowhere you can be that isn’t where you’re suppose to be. IT'S EASY!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're a DJ (or were).... figures.


3:45 PM  

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