Wednesday, December 08, 2004

As much meat as I might eat, there are three things in the world I will never be part of. The first is fur. Not that I would wear fur, because its kinda gay (not that there is anything wrong with that) but the whole practice of trapping and wearing a dead animal is jacked up. I guess the argument could be made for leather too, but honestly the meat industry slaughters cows all the time and leather is just a by-product. Plus I have seen cows close up and honestly they aren’t that cute. In a world where looks are important, give me something furry and cute any day of the week.

In my life I have had one lobster. I was about 5. My sister was dating a guy from Maine and when he came back from a visit, he brought her some lobster. She cooked them the way you are suppose to. We both started crying when the lobster made some awful noises. Supposedly, the noises are a result of air rushing through the lobster, but I’m sorry that was a scream for sure. So we both cried the entire time the lobster cooked and for some reason she made me eat it. I decided after that at all costs, I would never have a lobster burnt to death for a meal. Unfortunately there is no sign of a lobster liberation movement on the web. We should start breaking them out of those tanks and taking them to Maine. My brief career in marine Biology did teach me that freeing them in Florida would just kill them.

Then there is veal. I’m sure you know why it is evil, so I’ll spare you. Some day I’ll become conscious again and stop eating meat. For now, all the denial in the world doesn’t allow me to support these three practices which are pointless, cruel and just downright stupid. I guess I’m on my way to enlightenment.


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