Tuesday, November 09, 2004

I saw this episode of 20/20 last week. It had a lot of interesting information about attraction. The part that really got me was the experiment they conducted that found women were not attracted to short men. Even when a shorter guy was in a line up and the surveyors told the women the short guys had great careers or did good charity work, they still lost out to the taller guys who were also a lot less attractive. I guess you can not fight biological imperatives. I always think it is funny that even short women tend to marry men who are a lot taller. The ultimate betrayal: )

I was hoping maybe the trend was changing. If there was one good thing about this election, the shorter candidate won the presidential seat. This is only the third time that has happened in US history. W stands about 5’10”, while Kerry is nearly 6’5”. That is quite a difference. I guess if Tom Cruise and W have taught us anything, it is that being cocky makes up for being short.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah-- even us short girls demand tall men. I will not date anyone who is less than 3 inches taller than me. Of course, I'm 5'3" so that's not hard...


5:53 PM  

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