Sunday, November 07, 2004

Buck Fush

There I got that out of the way. I’m sorry to see he won, but from a nation that loves Ashley Simpson and reality TV, I would expect no less. Luckily, I am pushing 29 and have a heart condition. I’m guessing they will not be drafting my a$$. So good luck to the apathetic young folks who didn’t bother to vote or better yet, to those who were dumb enough to vote Bush (you know who you are) remember, its not just a job its an adventure.

Luckily I was safely in the bosom of the west coast. In Seattle, there are lots of lesbians driving Subaru’s and they stop at crosswalks and yield to pedestrians, even men. I’ve made up my mind that I’m heading there in the summer when the masters is done. I’ll miss home in a horrible way, but having been there on Election Day, I know that I was among like-minded people and my heart goes out to my friends who were here in the south and had to endure the Bushit.

Stay focused. Must be happy. Truthfully I am happy. I just saw REM near their hometown, camped in the keys, flew out to Seattle, watched the election returns in the café where they filmed a lot of “Twin Peaks” episodes and then rode the space needle up on the very rare and elusive sunny November day in Seattle. Watching the sun come up off the Florida Keys and seeing it set over a snow covered mountain all within the same week can not lead a brother to be anything but content and happy.

I even managed to attend a southern Baptist church today and not explode. I went with my family down in Tampa and I am proud to say I was the only one who did NOT clap when they congratulated the new commander and thief. It was a beautiful way to end the break. My dad was the wiser one and just opted not to attend. Curiosity got to me, so I had to check it out and to the pastors credit, Bush only got 30 seconds of the sermon. The truth is, Bush is done appealing to the Christian right. He already got their votes.

I learned on this trip that I was meant to be born on the west coast. I also learned my dad knows a surprisingly large part of Sheryl Crow’s catalogue. I learned that months after his death Elliott Smith can still put out a brilliant album. I learned that Death Cab for Cutie, Interpol, the Thrills and the Libertines are all well worth the hype. I learned my cousin is homophobic to the point that my elderly grandfather holding his hand while they walk is “gay” to him. I learned there is such a thing as “damn fine pie and coffee.” I learned REM could still throw down, even with only a half filed stadium. I learned two weeks off is great, until you have to go back to work. I learned people take blog comments too seriously.

Hopefully I taught a few lessons on my journey. I think I showed my friend Jesse that having an old friend around is sometimes exactly what you need. I showed my dad that just spending time with someone heals better than clumsy words. More importantly, he is now probably the only 62 year old that knows when someone sings “Rosemarrrryyyy” to you, the only proper response is “heaven restores you in life.” All total, I logged 9,000 miles in two weeks and not once did I get hung up on worrying about work or the future and freedom from both was well worth the money and effort it took to get away.


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