Thursday, July 29, 2004

I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but I read this today and got to thinking about what exactly he says. I don’t see any mention of suicide. In fact, this to me looks more like a “goodbye to music” note to me. Maybe his crazy wife shot him because she new if he quit music she would never have money or success. We all know over the years she has really had her share of problems. Maybe some money hungry record exec had a hit put out or worse yet one of his many friends in the drug scene could have done it. Whoever might have shot Kurt Cobain took the time to get him plenty loaded up on heroin. In fact, he had so much in his system he would have probably passed out within seconds of shooting up. Then, police claim, he shot himself with a riffle with that much heroin coursing through his system. I’d imagine that would be difficult to pull off completely sober. This definitely seems like a case that needs to be reopened and put to rest once and for all. Cobain was a miserable man, but I don’t think he was suicidal. I suspect he loved his daughter too much to leave her for Courtney love to raise. It is just too easy to accept that a depressed man with a drug problem would end his own life. I guess we’ll never know the truth, but hopefully Kurt found the peace he could not tap into in this life.


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