Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Did you get the memo about the TPS reports?
Well the job at the paper fell through. What a shame, because my eyes lit up with childlike abandon at the thought of actually getting paid to be creative and maybe even write. That would have been great. The truth is I probably would have hated it and resented the pay cut. So now I’m back at the job I feel lees than affection for and neatly filling all my new emails away never to be read. It seems like about every half hour I get an email announcing some policy change. When I first started, I very diligently read them all and went about adopting the changes only to find out 2 hours later enough people bitched about said changes prompting a change back to the old way or something entirely ridiculous and new. Now, I mostly file the messages into the trash.
As I’m getting the unwanted rejection call yesterday, who should show up at my door but the ex? She was returning some books and decided to drop them off along with a mix she made. Talk about bad timing. I was a little upset she dropped by unannounced, but what can you do? We’ve been apart long enough to make it less than awkward. Not to mention I was on the phone anyway so we didn’t have a prolonged conversation.
I knew the mix would be uncomfortable. I have long believed the mix tape to be the most subtle of art forms. Sure, I’ve made completely innocuous ones for friends that had no subtext. Something told me this one would be different. There were messages between the lines and they certainly were not very subtle. So now I have two choices. I can make a rebuttal mix or I can let the whole thing die. It seemed innocent enough, but I learned a long time ago that things are never as simple as they first appear.


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