Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Perhaps God is Tao. I don’t know how this idea got into my head, but honestly it makes a lot of sense. I’m sure I’d get excommunicated from the church for expressing this, but most of the important folks in history managed that distinction. So, suspend disbelief for a second. Lots of groups have crazy theories about who God is. Some suspect a superior being and others say God is a man who built a world in his image. Suppose for a second that God was not a man, or a diety, but instead a real and actual presence. Crazy, I know, but it really does make sense (IE the Holy Spirit). Instead of judging you from a  throne on high, wouldn’t it make more sense that God was a living and breathing part of the universe. Jesus suffered and died as man and was both God AND man. See where I’m going with this?
Basically the Taoist believed in living like water. Water is simple and takes clues from the world around it. Water twists and turns and provides life and exists in everything. Yet, water is incredibly powerful. Without it, there would be no life and over time, water can make something as awe inspiring as the Grand Canyon just by simply being what it is.
By the same token, Jesus taught us to be like little children. Little children have not learned yet to meet the expectations of others or adhere to the standards laid before us regarding everything in our lives. Little children simply live each day and take pleasure in the simple things like a snack or a sunny day. It is only when we learn things like desire and expectation that we find ourselves unhappy. If we could be more like children, then we would be closer to God.
Tao is the ‘way’ or the path. Perhaps God is the path. Jesus told his disciples to follow him. In so doing, they left behind their physical possessions and the lives they built. Jesus said the only way is through him. I would suspect that this is where I deviate from traditional views about Christianity, because I truly believe Jesus was speaking about a way to live life. He didn’t come here to give up an excuse to live how we want and then avoid responsibility for our actions because he died so we could be forgiven. I truly can not imagine how anyone could see that as free or liberating. Do what ever you want and then ask Jesus for forgiveness. Not to mention that is pretty insulting.
If this was the message that Christ came here for, why then where his teachings focused on how you should live your life? He spent most of his ministry bestowing us with fables and lessons as well as giving us the keys to happiness. If the Jesus that walked this earth intended his teachings to become the modern church that exists today, he would have given sermons on how one should hold church services, or how much money you should give to the church every week.
A true Christian would not dress in their best clothes and drive in their Jesus fish covered SUV down to the ornate church every week for Sunday social hour. What passes for Christianity these days has almost no adherence to the messages of Jesus. Truly following him can lead to a life of enlightenment, blessing and peace. Unfortunately, people today tend to follow false prophets, false doctrines and false interpretations. No wonder the world is littered with cults, bitter Christians and those who have fled the church kicking and screaming.


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