Wednesday, March 24, 2004

I just got my first random email from someone who reads my blog. I can not tell you how happy that makes me. I suspect that a few of my friends might look at this and maybe one or two family members. I like the blog concept. For one thing it allows others a chance to go across distance, race, age and all the other boundaries that keep us from knowing each other. If I knew at 17 how incredibly confusing the rest of my life would be, then I would have found some peace a decade ago. The truth is we really never figure it all out. That’s why there are now terms like “Quarter Life Crisis” and of course there’s the classic mid-life crisis. I have a sneaking suspicion that mid-life will be traumatic. It really is the point where you are fully aware of who you are and more importantly aware of who you should have, would have and could have been.


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