Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Women are evil.
It seems like every time I try to drop that credo, something happens to reaffirm my belief. You guessed it. I got ditched. Basically, it played out like this. I called the girl the night before we were suppose to get together and didn’t get a call back. Then the day of our “date” I get this email saying, “sorry I didn’t call you back. I was real busy last night.” So I email back and ask her point blank if we are stilling getting together that night (not in a mean way or anything). She finally replied and made a point to mention that she usually doesn’t flake out on her friends (notice the dreaded ‘friends” word?) but her parents are coming to town Wednesday and she needs to clean her apartment.

Apparently she cannot keep plans that I’ve been looking forward to all week because her parents are coming in a mere 72 hours. I don’t know about you, but in my college days, I moved my entire apartment once in 4 hours. Unless this girl is hiding bodies in her place, I don’t think the task is going to be a three-day adventure.

So is she just not interested? Is she flaky? Is she playing hard to get? Does she like me as a friend and doesn’t want to send the wrong signals? The weird thing is after she established we were “friends” and we were not going to be meeting up, she sent me more emails then I’ve managed to get from her in a week. So maybe she was feeling guilty. Maybe she felt relieved that our “friends” status was established. Who knows? Personally, I don’t think relationships should be as difficult as they are. Really the only part of this that bothers me is when exactly was she planning on letting me know our plans were canceled? I’m guessing when I showed up to pick her up and she didn’t answer the door.

I'm one nice guy who is about to become a jerk.


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