Saturday, March 20, 2004

So I hear in the geek world blogging was so 2 years ago. I think its funny how so many deviant subcultures try so hard to be “different” yet conform to a group of excepted standards. Sometimes it’s the emo kids and sometimes it’s the Goths. They all have credos and clothing in common. Who knows why? As for myself, I’m a Visogeek. Yeah, that’s my new clique. Right now it is a party of one.

The Visogeek are united by only one thing. Encapsulated, our credo is this…we are like no one else. I cannot tell you how hard it is not fitting in with anyone. Sure I can BS my way through through a few SQL server jokes with the nerds or reflect on getting beat up by the neighborhood bully with the other geeks. Jeez, in a pinch I can even wax poetic about monster trucks and football with the rednecks. The sad truth is I write code with 50 lb manuals spread across my lap. I use to fight the bullies back and I don’t understand what a two point conversion is. Basically I’m a party of one.

All my life I’ve struggled to figure out where I fit into the ecosystem. I’ve been hoping someone would take me into his or her fold. I wore a trench coat and listened to NIN in high school, but I also loved the beach. I use to drive a truck and cruise around with the windows down, but I was blasting “Belle and Sebastian.” This weird contradiction has balanced every aspect of my life. I don’t like sleeping in and I don’t like staying up late.

If you’re looking for some group to associate with, then become a Visogeek. You will be welcomed with open arms. Of course, you will not sign up, because the true Visogeek rides alone. He or she roams the earth searching for something that sparks their interest. We are always on top of the next big thing 6 months before the masses and we’re already bored with it by the time the latest trend has spawned a dress code and a reality TV series.

If you want to spot a Visogeek, then you can find us anywhere. Maybe we will stick out like a sore thumb. The pogo stick or the acid wash jeans will give us away. You’ll catch us throwing around references to some Welsh indie flick that will be next year’s critic’s choice or saying curse words in Aramaic. Wherever there is a code to conform to, we’re breaking it. Of course, most of us just keep a low profile and a clean nose and smirk at everyone else chasing the next bandwagon.


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