Friday, March 19, 2004

For some reason I have the phrase “On A Wave of Caffination” stuck in my head. Of course, its set to the tune of the Pixie’s “Wave of Mutilation.” I think I’m finally on the junk. I’ve managed to get my life pretty clean. No soda, no smokes, and no deep fried foods I drink less in a year than Ted Kennedy has before breakfast. So I tend to pride myself on clean living. Unfortunately, some Cholo makes a lovely pot of coffee here at work every morning. I’ve been strong well into my adult years. I know what this stuff does. I have tasted its powers. It causes addicts. Most alcoholics can get through a day without booze if they had too. Coffee drinkers on the other hand are a whole different lot. I’ve seen them come into the office looking like crack whores on a slow night. They have that glassy look of complete desire in their eyes and they just cannot get the day going without it. I think its time we gave them a street name like “Bean Heads.” They’re always out looking for some Columbian Kilos of their drug of choice. Am I wrong? I doubt it. Admit it or not, they’re straight up junkies. Hell you’re probably one of them. Sanka, the silent killer. So here I sit with a cup. I save my coffee drinking for the days when I cannot function without it and today certainly qualifies. Of course I started out as a casual smoker too. No one ever dives head first into addiction.


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