Friday, July 06, 2007

I’ve always had a bit of a loner streak. This week will test it. Most of my friends are out of town. My fiancée is out of town. My social calendar has dropped to nil. It is good in a way because it will give me some down time to evaluate life and my current state of existence. The bad side is with too much time alone also comes too much time to think. And think I will. I just started a sentence with a conjunction. Bad English major. I just slapped my own hand.

So the Transformers movie was awesome. I’ll spare you the fanboy geekdom and just say it did some things with CGI that will be hard to top. Oh and it had a story too. Are you listening George Lucas? I like to think he reads my blog.

Maybe this will be the week I finally start the great American novel or get more proficient on the guitar. I need to pick up my guitar froma friend's house. That requires effort.Chances are instead of building a Habitat for Humanity house or creating something truly original, I’ll probably opt out and watch too much TV.
That is sad and I’m sorely disappointed in my apathy.


Blogger Jeff and Christy said...

You'll be alright you loner! If not, get some cookie dough and wine...that always helped me in my loner days. :)

6:28 PM  

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