Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Amazingly, I’m pretty open about religion. I finished off my church life in the most dogmatic of faiths. If backed into a corner, I would call myself a Christian, but I’ve also long believed all the answers aren’t as black and white as the church would have you believe. Plus I don’t trust any organization that would tell an AIDS ravaged nation not to use condoms. That gets my radar up.

Well yesterday, I stumbled across an interesting show on the History Channel about past life regression.

It got me thinking about the possibility of past lives. I’ve had at least a couple of de-ja-vu occasions in life and I’ve been places that just felt like home. I’d imagine we are all capable of, to borrow a Disney phrase, Imagineering a past life. In fact the show didn’t exactly present this as fact or fiction. It remained pretty neutral. It simple put people under hypnosis and gathered facts about past lives. Then they researched the info and fond amazingly that many details held up against historic documents.

I’ve always been curious about this. I have a strong affinity for the Jewish people and I hate everything German (including you Hasselhoff!) so perhaps I was in Eastern Europe around the 40s. If the opportunity arises to work with a qualified hypnotherapist, I’d be game for seeing what sort of story comes out of my mouth. Until then I’ll steer clear of scat videos and Volkswagens just to be safe.


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