Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I can honestly say that however the chips may fall I just hope this election is a fair one where every vote is counted and everyone gets to vote.

Having said that, if the Repubs manage a victory I’m going to be a little more than suspicious. When the Misses and I went to vote the poll lady was more than happy to tell us about the many great Diebold machines they are using this year. Presumably after she saw we were of the Democratic persuasion. Suspicious to say the least. We voted absentee ballot, but I question if the form will actually go from my hands to somewhere it will actually matter. Once again we are in an election where EVERY vote counts. So the least any of us can do is actually vote.

So let the chips fall as they may, but every chip better show up on the floor. This would mark the 4th election in recent memory where it looked like the all powerful Republican machine would be taken down and suspiciously it was not. My heart tells me Florida was stolen in 2000 and Ohio in 2004. Perhaps the people who actually pulled the greatest fraud in history have now decided to distance themselves from the cluster fhaq that is the present administration. That is a good sign. If you are doing your part to rig this election just remember Katherine Harris. She got the president Florida just 6 short years ago. Now she is public enemy number #1.

How much of that has to do with how her affair with Jeb turned out is anyone’s guess. I would feel bad for her if she wasn’t just reaping what she sowed. Come tomorrow I’ll either find myself with a renewed faith in humanity or innocence lost. If this is a fair and legitimate election then I don’t see how unchecked power will be allowed to continue on any longer. At this rate we’ll be at war with everyone but England and in so much debt we’ll fulfill our destiny of becoming a third world country. I just hope and pray it doesn’t come to that.


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