Monday, October 30, 2006

Sweet sweet, lover lover
Never never never find another
to put sugar on my tongue
Gimme gimme gimme some
~Talking Heads

Besides horny pedophile congressman and creepy guys with three names who claim to murder pre teen pageant queens, sugar is still getting a good chunk of negative press. There are a million diet plans out there that say it is the devil. Atkins says it should be avoided at all costs and the new “3 Hour Diet” says low carb diets make you fat. What is the truth? I’m starting to suspect no one knows.

All you naturally skinny people can go ahead and stop reading. I need to chat with my brethren real quick.

As someone who managed to drop about 35 extra unneeded pounds, I can say the whole thing is trial and error. When I did weight watchers, I didn’t give a whole lot of thought to how I got my “points” and would eat 100 calorie packs of “Chips Ahoy” snacks throughout the day. Did I lose weight? Yes. Did I feel good? No. I was a slave to the mood swings that eating sugar always gave me.

So here is some advice from someone fresh off the SS Weight loss. The less sugar you eat, the better. I was constantly hungry while dieting and when it was all said and done I realized much of the hunger was coming from consuming sugar. There really isn’t any reason to eat the stuff, other than it is fun. Yes, sugar is fun and yummy. The catch is if you are struggling with your weight, enjoying eating is the last thing you ant to do. There, I said it.

Loving food is likely what got you in trouble in the first place. So take a chunk of its power back and stop eating sugar. I know, we all have that friend who can go to “Stone Cold Creamery” and get the super big cone with Butterfinger and Reece’s cups added. Unfortunately, if you have ever had to wear husky pants as a kid, then this probably isn’t you. With Halloween tomorrow, I have vowed to do the unthinkable and bypass sweets all together. There is plenty of unhealthy crap you can eat, but skipping sugars alone (although it is in everything) will likely lead you to weight loss. What it will definitely do is stop those cravings. It will not happen overnight, but with baby steps you can get away from sugar and release yourself from its hold.

Yeah, you’ll have to pass on pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving, but you can also save yourself from an uncontrollable feeding frenzy. Nothing feels worse than having your eyes glaze over like a great white shark in a cloud of chum and when you finally come through, you’re surrounded by ice cream pints and candy wrappers taunting you. Yeah, you might not have any control over your weight, but you can do one simple thing to (pardon the pun) tip the scales back to your favor. Start tomorrow, because if you can survive Halloween you can survive any other situation.


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