Monday, October 30, 2006


Ok, the scary things in the world aren’t pagan ceremonies or holidays celebrating the undead. Instead, the things that scare me are Tomkat weddings and growing older. Those things are scary. Starting school again for a 4 year program you may or may not like is scary. Beginning a new career in your mid-30s is scary. Trying to have children at that age is also scary.


That’s my street wise adaptation of something old ladies exclaim. Feel free to use it.

I guess the demons that make every day so difficult are the ones that make the things marketed to scare us look absolutely comical and in a way we embrace Halloween to overcome our fears. This is the first year in my life I haven’t at least contemplated dressing up for the occasion. I’ve reached the age of apathy I guess.

Last night I dreamed I was running thought this safe neighborhood of cookie cutter houses. Suddenly a very squirrelly looking dog started running with me and barking at me. I was petrified of the dog and though for sure he wanted to maul me. So I did the only thing I could and kept running. Eventually he backed off and I felt relieved I finally out ran the dog. Then I realized I was rounding the corner of a reptile house. Just like the zoo they were in neat little cages.

Then I realized the dog must have feared all the snakes I had to run past. As I got further along I realized the cages were getting closer. Eventually, they stopped being cages and instead were just hundreds of snakes wrapped around each other and they went from glass cages to what looked like wax paper compartments. I reach a dead-end and I had nothing else to do but turn around and run back. The snakes squirmed and struck, but none hit me. When I made my way back out there was my once vicious dog. Except this time he just looked at me with an expression that said “why the hell did you go back there?” I realized the dog was my guide and not at all a threat. I entered what appeared to be a safe haven to escape danger when in reality I was walking right into danger and away from my guide.


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