Wednesday, December 15, 2004

So this is Christmas?

That seems to be the sentiment a lot of us are sharing this year. Like any great artist, John touched on the universal themes that make being human so darn frustrating. Now more than ever, the last line of that song seems so fitting. War is over, if you want it. How true is that? War is over in Iraq, yet people are dying like crazy. Why? Because we are there. If the will of the people is to create a giant hotbed for terrorist, then so be it. Let’s turn over the keys.

I have a lot of big dreams for 2005. It seems like 2004 came and went without a peep. It seems like only yesterday everyone was upset about Janet, Miss Jackson if you’re nasty, and her breast. How is this year going out? Who knows? We still have a few weeks left and with any luck they will be quiet ones. Like any wacky tree hugging liberal, I just hope world peace descends on the planet.

That’s it. That’s my Christmas wish to you and everyone else. A little more love and a little less hate. I think that would indeed be the best Christmas ever!


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