Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Why are all these companies out to give you a free I-pod? It probably has a lot to do with the fact that they want your contact info. Of course you’ll get an I-pod. Right, sure. Just give us your name, mailing address, bank account and social security number.

Truth is an I-Pod would not do a thing for me. I love the I-Pod and I desperately want one. Yes, even I can fall victim to rampant consumerism. I know an I-Pod wouldn’t make me happy. Hell, I’d never us it. Like most of America, I sit my fat arse in a car or desk most of the day. When I do go to the gym (the one time I might actually use it) I get suckered into the other cultural abyss I try to avoid…television. (I have Ned’s Atomic Dustbin stuck in my head now). “Kill Your Television” would be one of the 7 million songs I would put in my I-Pod.

I can think of a thousand scenarios were an I-Pod would be handy, but they're mostly in other people’s lives. My friends who were brave enough to move to New York and Seattle could probably use one while riding mass transit. My mom could probably use one in Australia. Maybe I’m ignorant, but I’m guessing she gets about as much contact with new music as Cat Stevens has with bacon. The I-Pod sounds good in theory just as buying a house, getting married and having lots of kids. The good news is I could always borrow one of the kid’s I-Pods.

Did I just do a blog entry about I-Pods? I need to get out more.


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