Friday, November 19, 2004

It was a beautiful dayyyyyyyyyy.

Yes, it is nice out and I’m glad to finally be able wear a sports coat**, although it is a little hot today. This is the time of year this bug infested tourist trap becomes bearable and downright lovable. Can I handle not having the sun for months on end? Can I live without year round beach access? Can I live without my family near by? My friends?

Truthfully, I don’t play tackle football with my nephews every weekend, nor do I have a golden tan. I guess I’ll only know how much I’ll miss these things when I actually move. I’m so conflicted right now and sitting on the fence is the worst place to be. I use to believe just doing SOMETHING was the wise choice, but now I know that weighing my options and not doing anything rash is best. I want an Ipod, but I have not bought an Ipod. It is these simple exercises in restraint that build character. I want to pack up the car and go to Seattle. I’m afraid I’ll hate it there. What do you do? For the time being…nothing.

**yes I am aware I’m a dork.


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