Tuesday, November 16, 2004

I guess I just don’t understand people. As a guy, I’ve never gotten the obsession with sports (mainly football) by guys that are way too out of shape to even run a scrimmage. I’ve never understood this obsession with beer since it tastes like absolute crap and doesn’t do anything but make you loose all sense of judgment which brings me to the last thing I don’t understand….why guys will throw themselves at women that are so obviously out of their league. A lot of guys seem to think they deserve a super model.

Then I get this email forward form my sister. It listed lots of “classes” for men to teach them things like how to refill the toilet paper or leave the toilet seat down. It made me realize the reason guys act like this. Simply put, its because it is what women want. I kid you not. This could be the only logical explination for why I stay single. I present no challenge, no project, no room for improvement.

I'm not saying I'm perfect. Hells nooo, but I do have a lot of my $h1t together.I’m funny, clean, intelligent, have a good job, a degree, pay my own bills, keep a clean bathroom and smell fantastic. I also don’t dress like a total slob, throw myself at big boobied blonds, waste brain cells memorizing sport stats from 30 years ago nor do I waste brain cells on Natty Light.

So maybe I’m giving off the wrong vibe. Women probably think I’m gay. I really would not be surprised, because I seem to be the only guy that has a clue about anything and is attracted to women. The worse part is, I’ll actually listen to what a woman is saying and I even have relationships with women I’m not related to that are not motivated by a desire to get laid. Weird huh?

If the man in your life doesn’t have sense enough to refill the toilet paper roll, then on behalf of all of us with the Y chromosome, I will apologize. Chances are that is something else he doesn't do often.


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