Tuesday, November 16, 2004

I think most of you know I’m the leftist pacifist type. So you’ll probably be surprised by my take on this issue, but I really think if we are ever going to get Iraq straightened out, we’ll have to fight dirty. A lot of these people function like savages http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/nm/20041116/ts_nm/iraq_hassan_dc

My brother was there in desert storm and as he admits, there are lots of good people in Iraq, but there are also plenty of them that are straight up and down evil. The sick thing is that they are just a result of the world they have lived in. Saddam ruled by fear and torture. So they think nothing of killing some female aid worker and video taping the whole thing as a scare tactic. It’s the type of communication they know.

So it is with heavy heart that I say “f-It.” Next time we capture one of these guys that we know has executed someone (easy enough to find since they taped it and put it on Al-Jazz era ) then we need to video tape them getting their head cut off and run it on the evening news over there. Sick? Yes. Barbaric? Certainly.

Jingoistic tough talk I know. I just don’t think our presence is taken seriously and we don’t seem to be playing to win in Iraq. So, if we have to be there and there is no backing out now, then we need to find a way to win the war of public opinion in Iraq. I was not serious about running a beheading g on the evening news, because that would be stooping to conquer. We do however need to realize we are not dealing with a population that is NOT accustom to things like treaties and occupying forces indicating a war is over. If they will kill a female aid worker, then they have zero qualms with killing our troops that are seen right now as an unwanted foreign occupier and thanks to our Moron and Chief, we are stuck there for the inevitable future. America, I ask again, why did you reelect him?


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