Thursday, November 11, 2004

So here I sit. Honestly, its rare I have a night where everyone is completely unavailable. Tonight is such a night. I guess back in 1999 when I had moved to the big city and established an apartment, a job and could pay my own bills I got lonely. I also got the notion if I moved back to my hometown I would never be lonely again. Boy was I wrong.

So 5 years on, here I sit trying to figure out something to do tonight. I could hit Barnes and Noble and read by myself. I could do the same at Cafe 11. I could drive around. I already drive 2 hours a day anyway. I have a few friends I could call, but they have kids and that means that doing something as simple as getting a cup of coffee requires planning days in advance. I'd imagine they might even envy my freedom from time to time. I don't think you're missing much. Between school and work I manage to keep myself nice and busy, but tonight I'm feeling the isolation that I so often think I actually want.


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