Saturday, July 31, 2004

It isn’t often that you see true bravery in action. Last night I caught a rerun of “48 Hours” and got to meet Angela Shelton. She set out to make a film about the other Angela Sheltons in America. It didn’t take her long to learn that half the Angela Sheltons that she met while traveling the country in her RV where victims of some type of sexual abuse. This gave her film a new focus. In the course of her travels, she met one Angela Shelton who would change her life forever. This particular Angela Shelton happened to live in South Carolina and she tracked sexual predators for a living. The most amazing part was she lived in the exact same town as the film maker’s father. To make a long story short, she confronted her father on film. It was perhaps the bravest thing I have ever seen. I was truly blown away but what one woman was capable of. I can not imagine what that experience was like and it was the bravest thing I have ever witnessed. So check out her website and take a minute to thank her for giving a voice to far too many people living in silence and shame.


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