Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Come on Barbie lets go party…

What ever happened to that group "Aqua"? I’m a sucker for awful music. My taste is extreme. I love bands most people have never heard of or I love 1 hit wonders. So I see the Olsen Twins have a movie coming out. Great. I’ll be first in line.

I just got back from vacation. Hence no blog and precious little complaints. Coming back to work is hard, but I did mange to squeeze a whole lot into a week. Its nice to still be young and free enough to drive down to the Keys just because it sounds like fun. These days are limited I know.

I suspect one of my regular readers is wondering why I was such an a-hole the other night. The truth is I was a little hurt you were chosen over me. I’m heading your advice though (solicited or otherwise) and getting some help. You might be able to build a castle out of mud, but its much easier with bricks. So I’m trying to get the mush straightened out.


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