Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Everybody is moving to New York.

Ok, not New York necessarily, but away none the less. I just found out another friend might be making the journey. Since his secret might not be out, I’ll keep his identity under wraps. While I think it is a good thing to get out of your “box” I am going to miss the boy. It seems like I am the one Auggie native who has given moving away the most lip service and the least action.

I graduated college on a Friday and within 48 hours I was in Atlanta standing on my cousin’s doorstep. I was sick and tired of small town life and wanted some big city action. It didn’t take me long to get depressed, put on 20 pounds and realize I had almost no friends. It also didn’t take me long to start plotting my return home. I did the same thing my freshman year of college when I moved to Miami.

Back then I walked away from a full scholarship because I hated Miami. What I eventually learned was that the things I hated about Miami where really just the challenges everyone faces their first year of college. I also learned the things I hated about Atlanta where really the challenges we all face our first year of life after college. Little did I know that sitting at a desk all day and dealing with constant pressure and deadlines would feel exactly the same in Atlanta as it does in sunny Florida.

To those about to rock, we salute you. It takes amazing amounts of nerve to pack up your belongings and move into the unknown. My own adventure showed me I could get a job, an apartment and adjust to living somewhere different. I also got my first taste of real rush hour traffic and what it is like to be a minority. I was humbled and somewhat defeated by the big city. However, I wouldn’t trade the experience for anything. So, via con dios mi amigo and we’ll leave the light on for you.


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