Thursday, March 16, 2006

Without getting into the PETA scare tactics that are associated with most proclamations about eating animal products, I have to say dairy and I have never gotten along. It isn’t that I am lactose intolerant. I tolerate lactose. Especially when it moves into inner city neighborhoods, creates a Bohemian atmosphere and cleans the place up subsequently raising property values. Wait, that isn’t dairy.

Anyway, my point is this. Should we be eating this stuff? All my life I have had a distaste for dairy foods. I only recently started eating ice cream, because like so many women, my girlfriend loves the stuff. I can still take it or leave it. Leave it I will. I’ve been feeling ill lately and all around not so good. The only major changes I’ve made in the last few years is eating more dairy and more artificially sweetened foods. I honestly don’t like either. So why do I eat them?

Well, we are constantly told dairy is the wonder food that helps with weight loss, builds strong teeth and bones and fills us with lots of healthy protein and calcium. Maybe that is true. Maybe not. There are growing resistance groups to this idea. Granted the internet has people who waste time arguing violently about “X-Men 3” and which Spice Girl led to the group’s demise. It is a dumping ground for crap. What you can not ignore is how unnatural milk is. Really, what other animal eats the milk of another nursing species? Other animals eat meat and other animals eat vegetables, fruits and even natural grains. So the dairy thing seems counter intuitive.

Not to mention, it just doesn’t feel right. The texture and flavor of dairy foods more often than not makes me feel ill. As well, Aspartame and other artificial sweeteners are something I’ve also never gotten use to. But, we’re told to avoid empty calories. So I’ve been drinking diet drinks lately in hopes of shedding pounds. Do you sometimes get the impression the so called “medical” community doesn’t know what they’re talking about? I have no doubt the food manufacturers behind these sweeteners have buckets of money to feed lobbyist.

So today, I’m vowing not to force myself to eat things I find disgusting. I don’t care how much society, the food pyramid or so called “nutritionists” advocate things like low calorie sweeteners and dairy products. I’m just going to trust my gut for once and start phasing these things out.


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