Saturday, March 04, 2006

My knee hurts today.

Maybe this is part of getting older. I just didn’t expect the old knee to give out at 30. I’ve made a few cracks at starting a running program and inevitably end up getting hurt. Even taking it very slow, I once screwed up my Achilles. I have a pretty high pain threshold, so for me to tell you it HURT means that really hurt.

So now I’m worried about my knee. It honestly feels like the tendons that normally have the consistency of a rubber band, now feel like a stretched rubber band about ready to pop. It is a weird feeling indeed.

Today I’m debating moving to eating organic products. I think a lot of processed food makes us fat. So maybe I should look at my diet as a medicinal investment and drop a little more money on groceries. Thanks to Weight watchers, I dropped my habit of eating out all the time. So that is a step in the right direction. Now comes the challenge of eating right.

I did manage to shave off 20 lbs. For that I am happy. My tenure with Weight watchers will end next month. Of course I could stay on it, but I think the nutritional lessons it teaches have already been engrained into my psyche. So I don’t see much point in continuing to pay for their service. Funny how I can type that and know I’m heading for trouble. I guess if nothing else, I lost my “relationship weight” and I’m back to comfortably wearing the clothes in my closet. That alone makes it worthwhile.

What bothers me about WW is the fact that I haven’t stuck to it the last few weeks. I’m finding it a hard regimen for a lifetime. Not because it is exceptionally difficult, but because there are times when I’m so hungry my stomach is making noises. There are also plenty of times when I reach the end of the day and I have points left I need to eat, but I’m not at all hungry. It just doesn’t seem healthy to me to bring yourself to the point where your body is crying out for food, nor does it seem healthy to have to stuff your face when you aren’t hungry just because not eating will slow your metabolism.

So maybe the dietary truth lies in moving to whole grains and fruits and vegetables and low fat proteins. I think that is a more beneficial and sustainable lifestyle. The only scary part is, can I be disciplined enough to maintain that? It is a question only I can answer. I have made amazing inroads the last couple of months and the times I have slipped up and had fries or sweets, they truthfully taste awful. I’ve lost my desire for them. Here’s to hoping that doesn’t change in the months to come.


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