In my humble opinion, I think they should broadcast “The Razzies.”
In a time when nearly every movie is a remake of something that was unoriginal in the first place, the competition is heating up for a Razzie. As far as the Oscars go, there were probably a half dozen actual good movie last year. "Brokeback Mountain” deserves the attention it gets, because it didn’t compartmentalize gay characters into a stereotype and it also did a great job making the main characters very human. If some forklift driving good old boy in Nutbuster, Oklahoma sneaks to the local video store to rent this movie in 6 months, then “Brokeback Mountain” served its purpose. Why are people so afraid of homosexuality?
So Oscar worthy films aside, the Razzie nominees are a far more interesting crop. For my money, “the 40 Year-Old Virgin” was probably the most entertaining film of the year. “Wedding Crashers” was pretty hilarious as well. So, I like to escape with a dumb movie from time to time. Sue me. Luckily, neither was up for a Razzie. On the other hand, the academy snubbed them.
Honestly, I think the latest Harry Potter movie deserved something. I’m a recent convert to the Harry Potter phenomenon and the first two movies are a joke next to the last two. Especially Goblet of Fire. The acting was top notch, the script was engaging and the effects and cinematography were phenomenal. Oh and what little I caught of the Oscars included the retrospective of all the Hollywood celebrities that died this last year.
One notable celebrity left off their montage was Don Knots. Apparently he didn’t contribute anything to film. Obviously these people have never seen “The Ghost and Mr. Chicken.”
In a time when nearly every movie is a remake of something that was unoriginal in the first place, the competition is heating up for a Razzie. As far as the Oscars go, there were probably a half dozen actual good movie last year. "Brokeback Mountain” deserves the attention it gets, because it didn’t compartmentalize gay characters into a stereotype and it also did a great job making the main characters very human. If some forklift driving good old boy in Nutbuster, Oklahoma sneaks to the local video store to rent this movie in 6 months, then “Brokeback Mountain” served its purpose. Why are people so afraid of homosexuality?
So Oscar worthy films aside, the Razzie nominees are a far more interesting crop. For my money, “the 40 Year-Old Virgin” was probably the most entertaining film of the year. “Wedding Crashers” was pretty hilarious as well. So, I like to escape with a dumb movie from time to time. Sue me. Luckily, neither was up for a Razzie. On the other hand, the academy snubbed them.
Honestly, I think the latest Harry Potter movie deserved something. I’m a recent convert to the Harry Potter phenomenon and the first two movies are a joke next to the last two. Especially Goblet of Fire. The acting was top notch, the script was engaging and the effects and cinematography were phenomenal. Oh and what little I caught of the Oscars included the retrospective of all the Hollywood celebrities that died this last year.
One notable celebrity left off their montage was Don Knots. Apparently he didn’t contribute anything to film. Obviously these people have never seen “The Ghost and Mr. Chicken.”

I'm a 'recent convert to the Harry Potter phenomenon' too. But reading the books first. Finished 1 and 2, hopefully will have the time to run though the others soon. Will watch the movies after that.
My 2 cents - I think people who are worried about their sexuality or that of those people around them, make a big issue of homosexuality. There are worse things than homosexuality that people should fear and hate...
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