Monday, February 07, 2005

I’m a bad drunk. I don’t mean that in the I went around flashing my crotch and saying things I regret sort of way. If I’m comfortable around people, I barely use censorship when sober. Instead, I become really tired and really quiet whilst drunk. They say drinking brings out your true character. So I guess I’m really an introspective narcoleptic. So here is how it went down. I was at the local dive bar, well one of many, when I realized one of my friends was working the bar. So I figured A) I’m watching football B) I didn’t drive and C) I have the next day off. So I had a margarita. Well after that I was ready for another drink. So I went to the bar and asked my friend for a Long Island Ice Tea. He proceeded to pour me a large glass of straight liquor with literally a squirt of soda. The rest gets a bit fuzzy, but I do recall putting Super bowl stickers on everyone.

So I guess I cannot complain since I didn’t end up making out with some bar skank nor did I get into a fistfight with some dude who is 6’4”. I also remembered to drink two glasses of water and take aspirin before bed. So I’m pretty proud of myself, but still hung over enough to have learned my lesson. My night was plagued by bad dreams. My favorite being the one were my coworker handed me a bag of angry poisonous snakes. Now if that isn’t the subconscious talking, I don’t know what is. The funniest part was I got distracted and dropped the snakes, because I heard two cats fighting. I looked over at them and then woke up…to cats fighting outside my window. It was one of those occasions where you are between awake and dreaming.

Saturday night was good. I went to the Brighteyes show in Orlando. That kid has talent a plenty. My only complaint is one that I have felt a few times lately at concerts. The young folks are a little annoying at shows. OK, I will give them credit for not moshing and jumping off stage. Those two moronic acts were specifically for the ass end of generation X. REPRESENT! Instead, they seem to talk the entire time during a show and the worse part is they use their stupid camera phones to record the show. I guess it all boils down to this. Instead of enjoying the music, they’re more obsessed with proving they were there. I also didn’t know there were this many hipsters in Florida. I have no beef with hipsters in places like New York or Seattle. They usually have interesting lives and listen to good music.

My beef is with the suburban 20-year-old hipsters who see Death Cab for Cutie on “The O.C.” and immediately attach their identity to the fabricated scene. I saw one kid there wearing this jacket that I saw at Target that morning. I wanted to point out to his friends where he got it, but I’m not that cruel. Not to mention it is kind of amusing that the exact same soccer jacket Noel Gallagher wore a decade ago is now repackaged and sold to suburban wannabes at Target.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saw that he will be playing in San D while I was there this weekend and thought of you. Glad you liked it but I know what you mean- we old people actually like to enjoy the music.


10:05 AM  

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