Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Two things I’m really not into.

1) The super bowl. I’m sure it will be a good game. I’d imagine New England will win, but you never know. They’re a decent team and no star really jumps out at you, so they are a good role model for teamwork. Enough football talk. Anyway, I’m not a huge football fan and guess what; the super bowl is in my backyard this year. So to me, it represents a bunch of annoying tourist, a spike in crime and lots and lots of traffic. So I’m lying low that weekend.
2) Valentine’s day. I’m sure as the day approaches I will dedicate an entire rant to this most dreaded of holidays. Seriously, its main purpose is to sell more crap. In this case it is flowers, candy, fluffy bears and cards. What it really does it make those of us who are single feel like crap instead of buying more crap. Last year, I remember my friends and I got the bright idea to go out that weekend. Surely there would be lots of single women out on the town sans date. I guess they all gathered for viewings of Bridget Jones and the consumption of unhealthy things like cookie dough. So I lost one buddy to a relationship and another to teaching overseas this year. So this VD, I’m really going to be a lone. I often find myself alone, but rarely am I “lonely.” I’m just afraid this night might be one time in which I actually have to entertain those feelings. Maybe I’ll rent a Huge Grant movie and get a bucket of ice cream.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting use of "VD" Jonathan. And let me add "Love Actually" to that list. Perfect "VD" movie.


4:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Valentines day is all about tradition. My tradition, getting in a fight with whatever victim of the month is in our communicationless romance or the latter, getting obnoxiously drunk and having a blast while throwing stuff at lovey couples that are just faking it for the sole purpose of having some one on V-Day. So, if you want we can form an ANTI VD club and have the whole town get plastered! (You can have fruity umbrella drinks and vomit on yourself). You in?



7:27 AM  

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