Thursday, January 20, 2005

Today has a put a strange political slant on this Postal Service Song.

the district sleeps alone tonight after the bars turn

out their lights

and send the autos swerving into the loneliest


and I am finally seeing why I was the one worth


See, I didn’t leave America. America left me. I remember an America with integrity. There was a time when Wal-Mart purchased American made items. Those were the days, because not only did that bring jobs to Americans (which I think is pretty darn patriotic) but it also prevented sweatshop made goods from saturating the market. We all know how the story ends though. Sam Walton dies and the family takes over. Sure they keep the same drab and cheap layout to their stores, but they start using sweatshop labor to make their products and begin underselling everyone and their brother until every downtown in small town America has become baron. Yes, maybe in a free market economy, you need to run with the big boys. Yet when you are buying 50 units locally and Wal-Mart is buying 7,000,000 from Taiwan, who do you think will be cheaper?

So today, as old w gets another shot at not bothering to win the doubters over, I keep scratching my head. What is American about giving big businesses like Wal-Mart more rights than individual people? So far, this right wing agenda has done its part to drive small business into the ground, dissolve our surpluses in everything. In Bush’s first term, we have lost millions of jobs to cheaper overseas labor. Those ventures are financed by Americans in places like Texas. Never before in history has the division between the rich and poor been such a decisive gap. At least during the depression, everyone had to tighten their belts. Now it seems the ultra-rich are richer and the rest of us are in for leaner times.

OK, you wacko communist, go move to Cuba. Easy enough I suppose, but I still LOVE this country. I love everything it stands for. I love the fact we have saved the world once or twice and we have been the birthplace of ideas like the assembly line. There aren’t many places where every religion is tolerated and you can speak your mind without being tossed in jail. It is far from perfect, but it is a start. So why then is the nation moving away from the very values we founded it on? I would say life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are three things we can all unite behind. Our forefathers had it down better than we do. Their faith was a personal conviction they shared and they founded this country as Christian men.

Many presidents have been religious. While Reagan was far from perfect, he didn’t flaunt his faith on “20/20.” He quietly went into his office and prayed for guidance. Today I turned on the television before work and there was W making nice with people coming to his pre-inauguration service. He’s pompous display of “faith” turned my stomach. He could have had a simple prayer service on the white House lawn and taken all the money blown on this gala to assist the tsunami victims or, perhaps, the sizable homeless population he has grown at home on his own watch.

The truth is W has a team of puppet masters. They have used the last 4 years to craft a consensus among our citizens. I can not fathom how the majority of people can believe there is a connection between Sadamm and 9-11. It makes absolutely no sense and if you think you can explain it, then please do. The tool of the Bush White House’s trade is fear. People are afraid of terrorists. People are also afraid of homosexuals and abortion doctors. Trust me when I tell you gay people are not planning a mass exodus to South Carolina. Nor are any abortion doctors going to set up shop in the local high schools and guess what, people of Kansas, you are not a terrorist target. I can not make all these statements with 100% certainty, but common sense should tell you they’re all true.

The last time a leader got his people afraid for their national identity or afraid that "deviant” sub cultures were looking to destroy their way of life, World War II started. Will it take death camps for people to realize how ridiculously out of hand the right wing agenda has gotten? I certainly hope and pray not. Yes, W, I pray. I also follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. He placed value on things like humility and helping the least of God’s children. He also turned over the tables of wealthy merchants and rebuked the Pharisees for being so absorbed with themselves and their own agenda disguised as “pious” work. I have a feeling God himself would smite you W, if you weren’t so keen on bringing this whole story to its inevitable end. Like it or not, maybe W really is the wrecking ball that will destroy everything but the corner stone. If nothing else, I know that if Jenna or Barbara got pregnant by someone their daddy considered “unsavory”, they would be in stirrups before the day was out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I have a feeling God himself would smite you W, if you weren’t so keen on bringing this whole story to its inevitable end. Like it or not, maybe W really is the wrecking ball that will destroy everything but the corner stone. If nothing else, I know that if Jenna or Barbara got pregnant by someone their daddy considered “unsavory”, they would be in stirrups before the day was out."

All I can say is WOW! That is powerful. And I like it. This is taken out of context because what you said as the lead up to this was so eloquently written. But to be able to transition your feelings and end with a comment like this is amazing. I would have just writtent the last comment and then seemed like some liberal nutcase but somehow you make it work.

This could be the end and somehow I think Bush is urging it on. The quicker he kills Americans the closer he brings them to God. Maybe Bush, in his idiotic, dyslexic, religious moronic-seeming ways, is really a genius. How the f#$% is this working? I don't know. But it is.

I am scared.

Bird with much whiteness

7:39 AM  

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